We appreciate our clients and take your happiness seriously. We offer speedy customer service when questions arise or problems occur. Please let us know if you have an issue, we want to hear about it as soon as possible, please contact us immediately.

Hi there.

I just reserved a car through you guys, and just received confirmation from Thrifty.  One of the things I was attracted to on your web site was the offer that we could offer extra drivers at no extra charge, but my email from Thrifty (included below) says in the fine print that there is a charge for extra drivers.  Could you clarify this for me?  Assuming it is just a matter of Thrifty using a standard form email, is there a way I could get confirmation from them that we can have multiple drivers w/o extra charge?  Thanks for your help.

Bruce W.

Aloha Bruce,

You will in fact get extra drivers at no charge. I am going to have the reservations desk contact you to confirm this via email. Please allow up to 10 minutes for them to contact you.
